Spooky Halloween

Oh boy, do we have a treat (no tricks here!) for you – autumn has wrapped us in its chilly embrace and that means one thing… Halloween is creeping up! 🎃👻 Whether you’re a fan of the drizzly weather or not, we’re here to sprinkle a bit of spooky magic and get you pumped for the most ghoulishly fun time of the year!

Oh boy, do we have a treat (no tricks here!) for you – autumn has wrapped us in its chilly embrace and that means one thing… Halloween is creeping up! 🎃👻 Whether you’re a fan of the drizzly weather or not, we’re here to sprinkle a bit of spooky magic and get you pumped for the most ghoulishly fun time of the year!

Here at Nannyjob, we might be wrapping up in last year’s coats and switching on those SAD lamps (yep, we feel you!), but we’re also buzzing with excitement for Halloween! So, grab your little monsters, witches, and superheroes – we’ve got some spooktacular ideas to make this Halloween a blast!

🎉 Monster Mash Bash at Home! 🎉

Why roam the streets when you can throw the coolest haunted house party right in your living room? Gather the kiddos and their pals for a night of eerie entertainment!

👻 Decor Galore: Transform your home into a haunted mansion with creepy streamers, skeleton buddies, and spider friends! Check out these wicked decorations from Silly Jokes!

🎃 Ghoulish Games:

  • Apple Bobbing: Classic and always a hit!
  • Wink Murder: Who’s the secret ghost?
  • Mummy Wrap: Grab that loo roll and wrap your friends up! Fastest mummy wins!
  • Pin the Tail on the Witch’s Cat: A spooky twist on an old favorite!
  • Halloween Scavenger Hunt: Indoor or outdoor, let’s hunt for treats!
  • Pass the Pumpkin: Fill a pumpkin with goodies and play just like pass the parcel.

🖌️ Costume Crafting & Face Painting Fiesta! 🖌️

Whether your little one wants to be a ghost, witch, skeleton, or something totally unique, we’ve got you covered!

🦇 Costume DIY:

  • Scary Spider: Black outfit and some stuffed tights for extra legs!
  • Grim Reaper: Black cloak, white face paint, and a cardboard scythe!
  • Walking Dead: Torn clothes, fake blood, and spooky makeup!

Check out Netmums for more wicked costume ideas!

🍬 Trick or Treating Adventure (With a Safe Twist!) 🍬

If you decide to brave the outdoors, make it a safe adventure! Keep a distance, maybe even incorporate a mask into the costume (superhero style!), and remember: no tricks, just treats!

👜 Don’t forget your decorated treat bag – get creative with bats, pumpkins, and witchy designs!

👻 Stay Spookily Safe & Share the Fun! 👻

Share your Halloween plans, costumes, and party pics with us on the Nannyjob Facebook page! We can’t wait to see how you’re making this Halloween a frightfully fun time!

The Rise of Male Nannies in the UK: Breaking Traditional Norms in 2023

Gone are the days when childcare was seen predominantly as a female-oriented career. In 2023, the UK has observed an increasing shift towards male nannies, affectionately dubbed as ‘mannies’. Working parents today are more receptive to the idea of hiring a manny, embracing the diverse perspectives and experiences they bring to childcare.

Gone are the days when childcare was seen predominantly as a female-oriented career. In 2023, the UK has observed an increasing shift towards male nannies, affectionately dubbed as ‘mannies’. Working parents today are more receptive to the idea of hiring a manny, embracing the diverse perspectives and experiences they bring to childcare.

Recent surveys indicate a pronounced shift in public sentiment towards mannies. A staggering 94% of participants expressed openness to hiring a male nanny for their children, with approximately 20% mentioning they knew someone who had done so. Moreover, the increasing visibility of mannies is evidenced by a rising number of agencies specialising in placing male caregivers.

Notably, celebrities such as Britney Spears, Jemima Khan, and Gwyneth Paltrow have been open about hiring male nannies, amplifying media and public interest in the trend. But what’s driving the growing acceptance of the ‘manny’ in the childcare domain?

Matthew Black, a seasoned manny with over a decade’s experience, sheds light on some reasons. According to him, many working mothers prefer mannies as they can provide a different kind of companionship for their children, particularly boys. Mannies often embrace a hands-on approach, willingly engaging in outdoor activities and bonding seamlessly, often perceived as an elder sibling figure. This nurturing yet playful dynamic can be especially beneficial for children, promoting a healthy balance of care and recreation.

While it’s essential to acknowledge the historical prejudices faced by male caregivers, there’s a pressing need to debunk myths surrounding them. Black highlights the previously held notion associating male caregivers with concerns about child safety. Comprehensive studies over the years have continually shown that the gender of a caregiver doesn’t predispose them to inappropriate behaviour. Comprehensive background checks are standard across the industry, ensuring that all nannies and mannies meet the highest professional standards.

Embracing the value of diversity in childcare, more men are now exploring and thriving in roles traditionally reserved for women. As society continues to evolve, the representation of male caregivers underscores the broader narrative that caregiving, in all its forms, is a universally shared responsibility, transcending gender norms.

Childcare Careers in the UK: Shaping Tomorrow’s Generation Today”

Childcare, often encapsulated under the umbrella of early years education, plays a pivotal role in the foundational years of a child’s life. In the UK, with the ever-evolving emphasis on the significance of early childhood experiences on a child’s overall development, there has been a surge in opportunities within the childcare sector.

Childcare, often encapsulated under the umbrella of early years education, plays a pivotal role in the foundational years of a child’s life. In the UK, with the ever-evolving emphasis on the significance of early childhood experiences on a child’s overall development, there has been a surge in opportunities within the childcare sector.

1. Diverse Roles in Childcare

Broadly speaking, childcare roles can be categorised into:

  • Home-based care: This includes roles such as nannies and family caregivers.
  • Centre-based care: This encompasses day-care centres, preschools, and nurseries.

The qualification needs differ based on the specific role. In the UK, the journey begins from the Foundation Level (Level 1) and can escalate up to the esteemed Early Years Professional Status (EYPS) at Level 6.

2. The Regulatory Landscape

The UK’s Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (OFSTED) oversees the qualifications and standards for childcare professionals. As the sector grows, staying updated with the latest regulations is paramount for those considering or already immersed in childcare careers.

3. A Day in the Life of a Nanny

Nannies play an instrumental role in a child’s early development. Responsibilities span from basic care to educational activities and even household chores, depending on the agreement with the parents. While traditionally dominated by females, the profession is also witnessing a rise in male nannies or “mannies”. Pursuing a Level 3 Diploma, as outlined by OFSTED, often adds credibility to a nanny’s credentials.

4. Embracing the Role of a Childminder

Childminders are unique as they provide care within their own homes. Apart from mandatory OFSTED registration, childminders must possess a paediatric first-aid certification and adhere to the child cap, currently set at six children.

5. The World of Playgroups and Pre-schools

A crucial bridge between home and formal schooling, pre-schools and playgroups focus on instilling social and foundational skills through interactive play. The growing importance of early education means an increase in opportunities in this segment. Professionals leading these groups typically hold a minimum Level 3 qualification.

6. The Nursery Landscape

Nurseries, whether affiliated with schools or independently operated, emphasize both educational play and childcare. Starting as a trainee nursery assistant, with the right qualifications and experience, one can ascend to managerial positions.

In the ever-evolving landscape of childcare in the UK, professionals have myriad opportunities to make meaningful contributions to a child’s life. Whether you’re a budding childcare enthusiast or a seasoned pro, the future holds immense promise.

Exploring Cultures from Your Living Room: Activities & Crafts from Around the World

Traveling might be on hold for many of us, but exploring diverse cultures doesn’t have to be. There’s a whole world inside your living room waiting to be discovered through crafts, activities, and stories. Here are some delightful ways to journey around the world without stepping outside your door:

1. Japanese Origami:

Activity: Learn the ancient art of Japanese paper folding.

Materials: Square sheets of paper.

Guide: Start with basics like the crane or boat and gradually work up to more complex designs.

2. African Beadwork:

Activity: Create beautiful African-inspired bead jewellery.

Materials: Colourful beads, string, or thread.

Guide: Explore patterns from tribes such as the Zulu or Maasai and craft necklaces or bracelets.

3. Indian Rangoli:

Activity: Make a vibrant floor art using coloured sand or rice.

Materials: Coloured sand or rice, rangoli patterns.

Guide: Design symmetrical patterns on the floor, usually done during festivals.

4. Mexican Piñatas:

Activity: Build and decorate your own piñata.

Materials: Balloon, newspaper, flour, water, paint, and candies.

Guide: Make a paste from flour and water, layer newspaper strips dipped in the paste over a balloon, let dry, paint, and fill with candies.

5. Australian Aboriginal Dot Painting:

Activity: Craft a unique artwork inspired by indigenous Australians.

Materials: Canvas or paper, paint, cotton buds.

Guide: Using cotton buds, create intricate designs using only dots.

6. Italian Pizzelle Making:

Activity: Cook these traditional waffle cookies.

Materials: Pizzelle iron, ingredients for the batter (eggs, sugar, butter, flour, vanilla extract).

Guide: Mix ingredients, pour into a pre-heated pizzelle iron, and cook until golden.

These activities not only offer a fun pastime but also provide invaluable lessons about the world’s cultures. So put on some traditional music from each region, dive into the activity, and transport your family to another corner of the globe!

Modern Mums: Juggling Careers and Parenthood in 2023

In an era of increasing workplace flexibility, remote jobs, and the persistent pursuit of work-life balance, the narrative around working mums continues to evolve. From Allison Pearson’s 2002 portrayal of a multi-tasking professional woman in “I Don’t Know How She Does It” to today, the challenges facing working mothers remain – though the environment has changed. Here, we shed light on the modern dynamics and the altered landscape for working mums in 2023.

In an era of increasing workplace flexibility, remote jobs, and the persistent pursuit of work-life balance, the narrative around working mums continues to evolve. From Allison Pearson’s 2002 portrayal of a multi-tasking professional woman in “I Don’t Know How She Does It” to today, the challenges facing working mothers remain – though the environment has changed. Here, we shed light on the modern dynamics and the altered landscape for working mums in 2023.

Chasing the Illusion of “Having It All”

Recent studies suggest that the concept of “having it all” is evolving. Today’s working mothers are shying away from the ‘supermom’ ideal, recognising that striving for perfection in every arena may not be beneficial. The modern mum is leaning into self-acceptance, focusing on what’s achievable and giving herself grace on tough days.

Finding the Right Balance

Many women today find a sense of identity and purpose in their careers. Flexible working hours, job-sharing options, and remote work have opened doors for a more balanced lifestyle. Celebrity chef Jamie Oliver once mentioned that women who find a balance between work and personal life seem the happiest. And in 2023, the possibility of finding that sweet spot is more attainable than ever, as companies prioritise employee well-being.

Collaborative Parenting

One significant shift over the decades is the move towards shared parenting responsibilities. It’s not just about finding the perfect nanny anymore (although platforms like NannyJob have made that easier). Today, fathers are more involved in daily childcare and household duties than they were in the past. This shared responsibility allows for a more equitable division of labor at home, paving the way for more harmony and less stress.

The Financial Equation

The cost of childcare remains a topic of debate. Rather than seeing childcare as a mother’s expense, modern families often consider it a shared cost, reflecting the societal shift towards more egalitarian parenting. This perspective change has lightened the financial burden for many working mothers.

Well-being Over Everything

Prioritising self-care has become central to the modern mother’s ethos. Whether it’s attending a virtual yoga class, reading a book, or simply taking a walk, today’s mothers understand the importance of recharging. The saying, “When mum is happy, everyone is happy,” has never been truer.

In Conclusion

Yes, the challenges persist, but the narrative around working mums in 2023 is more empowering and nuanced. It’s not just about balancing work and family but about recognizing one’s limits, advocating for support, and embracing the journey with all its ups and downs.

Building a Strong Relationship with Your Child’s Teacher: A Guide for Nannies and Child Carers

One of the most pivotal relationships in a child’s education is the one between their parents and their teacher. But when you’re a nanny or child carer, your relationship with that teacher can be equally important. Regular communication, cooperation, and a mutual respect for each other’s roles can significantly benefit the child’s educational journey. Here’s how you can build a strong relationship with your child’s teacher.

One of the most pivotal relationships in a child’s education is the one between their parents and their teacher. But when you’re a nanny or child carer, your relationship with that teacher can be equally important. Regular communication, cooperation, and a mutual respect for each other’s roles can significantly benefit the child’s educational journey. Here’s how you can build a strong relationship with your child’s teacher.

The Initial Introduction

Don’t underestimate the power of a strong first impression. Make a point to meet the teacher early in the school year. Your initial interaction doesn’t have to be a formal meeting; it can be as simple as a quick hello during drop-off time.

Regular Communication

A great way to keep the lines of communication open is through a shared communication book, emails, or through any apps that the school uses for parent-teacher communication. Always ensure you’re passing the information along to the parents as well.

Attend Parent-Teacher Conferences

If it’s acceptable within your job scope and the parents are comfortable with it, attend parent-teacher conferences. Your unique insights can provide a more holistic understanding of the child’s needs and strengths.

Be Proactive

If you notice changes in the child’s behavior or academic performance, reach out to the teacher. Your observations can offer valuable perspectives that the teacher might not be aware of.

Share Milestones and Achievements

The teacher will undoubtedly appreciate knowing about any significant milestones or achievements that happen outside of school hours. This information can also help them to better understand and educate the child.

Mutual Respect

Maintain a respectful and professional demeanor in all interactions. Remember, you both want what’s best for the child, and a cooperative attitude will go a long way.

Be Supportive

Teachers appreciate it when parents and caregivers reinforce what is being taught in school. Whether it’s good manners, study habits, or specific academic or behavioral goals, your support is invaluable.

End-of-Year Gratitude

At the end of the school year, a simple ‘thank you’ note can make a teacher feel appreciated and pave the way for positive relations the next school year.

Building a strong relationship with your child’s teacher can be incredibly beneficial for everyone involved, most importantly, the child. It takes a village to raise a child, and teachers and nannies are an integral part of that village.

Social Media Posts

“Ever wonder how to create a winning relationship with your child’s teacher? Our latest blog post delves into the ‘how-tos’ of forging strong, beneficial connections. 🍎📚#TeacherAppreciation #NannyLife”

“Building a strong relationship with your child’s teacher can make all the difference! 👩‍🏫👨‍🏫 Swipe left to catch some quick tips, and for a deep dive, head to our blog! 📘✏️ #StrongerTogether #TeacherNannyTeam”

“How strong is your relationship with your child’s teacher? Our latest blog post offers tips for nannies and child carers to make this crucial relationship work. 📚🍎 #EducationFirst”

“Are you a nanny or child carer looking to strengthen your relationship with your child’s teacher? Our latest blog offers actionable steps to ensure a beneficial partnership for the educational development of the child. #ProfessionalDevelopment #EducationMatters”

Feel free to adjust these social media posts to fit the tone and style of your agency or personal profile. And, of course, include the link to the blog post where appropriate!

Back to School: Preparing Your Child for a Great Start

The end of the holidays often brings mixed feelings. For parents, it’s usually a time of relief. For kids, however, the notion of heading back to school can be a mix of both excitement and anxiety. As nannies and child carers, your role in this transitional period is crucial. Here are some helpful ways to make sure the kids you care for get off to a great start this academic year.

The end of the holidays often brings mixed feelings. For parents, it’s usually a time of relief. For kids, however, the notion of heading back to school can be a mix of both excitement and anxiety. As nannies and child carers, your role in this transitional period is crucial. Here are some helpful ways to make sure the kids you care for get off to a great start this academic year.

Setting a Routine

One of the most effective ways to prepare children for school is to get them back into a routine. Gradually shift bedtime and wakeup times to match the school schedule a week or two before the big day. This adjustment helps reset their internal clocks, making the first day much less of a shock.

School Supplies Shopping

Children are more likely to feel excited about school if they have new gear to show off. A fun day of shopping for school supplies can make a world of difference. Allow them to pick out some items; personalizing their school experience can offer a sense of control and excitement.

Emotionally Prepping Them

Talk to children about their feelings concerning the new school year. Address their fears and highlight the positives. Meeting new friends, learning new subjects, and participating in extracurricular activities are all experiences to look forward to.

School Tour

If it’s a new school, or even if the child is moving to a new grade, touring the school beforehand can alleviate first-day jitters. Familiarize them with the layout, show them their classroom, and introduce them to their teacher if possible.

Healthy Breakfasts

A good breakfast is the cornerstone of a productive school day. It can be a fun activity to sit down and plan out a week’s worth of healthy breakfasts that you can prepare together.


For younger kids, playing ‘school’ can be a fun and educational way to prepare. Take turns being the teacher and the student, run through some basic activities, and explain what they can expect.

The Night Before

Make sure everything is ready the night before: clothes laid out, backpack packed, lunch made, etc. This will make the morning run much more smoothly and reduce any last-minute stress.

First Day Photo

Don’t forget to capture the moment. Taking a ‘first day of school’ photo can become a cherished annual tradition.

Preparing children for school isn’t just about buying supplies and setting bedtimes; it’s about equipping them emotionally, mentally, and physically for the challenges and opportunities ahead. And guess what? You’re perfectly placed to help make this happen.

Travelling with nanny during summer holidays

School’s out! Summer is finally here and if you’re planning a trip abroad this year, whether you’re planning to take your nanny with you or not, you might be wondering where your nanny fits in… 

Holidays with your nanny

School’s out! Summer is finally here and if you’re planning a trip abroad this year, whether you’re planning to take your nanny with you or not, you might be wondering where your nanny fits in… 

I’m not planning to take my nanny on holiday with me, do I still need to pay them? 

You may have agreed in your contract to split holiday entitlement, for example 50/50. This would mean that 50% of your nanny’s holiday they can choose when to take it, and the other 50% is for you to decide. In this case, you may have agreed for your nanny to take their holiday whilst you’re away, but you will still need to administer holiday pay.

If you have not agreed to this, and your nanny is not due to take holiday while you are away, you will need to pay your nanny in full as they are available and willing to work.

I’m taking my nanny on holiday with me, will this holiday be deducted from their holiday allowance?

If your nanny is going on holiday with you to provide childcare, they are therefore working, and this won’t affect their holiday allowance. If your nanny ends up working longer hours while on holiday, you may need to compensate your nanny by providing overtime pay or giving them additional time off in lieu. 

What should I discuss with my nanny before we go on holiday?

There are a few things you should discuss before you go on holiday with your nanny, this may include… 

  • The rate of pay, some employers may wish to enhance their nanny’s pay and can do so at their discretion. 
  • Accommodation, we recommend that the nanny has a private room in order to give them the appropriate downtime.
  • Hours of work and days off, we suggest you discuss this in advance of your holiday so you can set expectations and avoid any future disputes. 
  • It’s also worth clarifying details such as whether the nanny will be coming out for day trips with you, will be eating with you, whether or not they’re expected to do chores, etc. 

Discussing these things in advance will help you avoid any uncertainty or awkwardness while you’re away!

This blog was written in collaboration with Nannytax, the award-winning and UK leading nanny payroll experts with over 25 years experience. 

Discover more about Nannytax here

Navigating the Waves of Childhood Friendships: A Guide for Nannies and Childcarers

As nannies and childcarers, we play an essential role in guiding children through the ebbs and flows of friendship. Children’s friendships are an integral part of their development and well-being. Understanding how these relationships evolve and how best to support children through their social challenges is crucial.

As nannies and childcarers, we play an essential role in guiding children through the ebbs and flows of friendship. Children’s friendships are an integral part of their development and well-being. Understanding how these relationships evolve and how best to support children through their social challenges is crucial.

The Evolution of Friendships

Friendships can vary drastically depending on a child’s age and developmental stage:

Toddlers: Friendships at this age are largely based on proximity and shared activities. It’s not unusual for toddlers to engage in what is termed as ‘parallel play’, where they play alongside each other rather than directly with each other.

Preschoolers: As children grow older, they start to develop more complex social relationships. Friendships become more reciprocal, involving shared interests and mutual affection.

School-age children: Friendships now involve deeper emotional connections, and children start to value trust and support in their relationships.

Navigating Friendship Challenges

Children may face various friendship hurdles. Here are some common challenges and how to navigate them:

Making Friends: Some children struggle to form friendships. As a childcarer, you can support these children by role-playing social scenarios, encouraging participation in group activities, and emphasising the importance of sharing and turn-taking.

Friendship Breakups: These are inevitable and can be very upsetting for children. It’s essential to validate their feelings, let them express their emotions and reassure them that it’s okay to feel sad or hurt. Guide them towards resolving conflicts, if possible, or help them understand that sometimes friendships change, and that’s okay too.

Cliques and Exclusion: Older children might face issues with cliques and exclusion. Encourage empathy and inclusiveness and discuss the negative impacts of excluding others.

The Power of Friendship

Despite the challenges, the power of friendship in a child’s life is immense. Friends provide companionship, emotional support, and a platform to learn social skills, empathy, and negotiation. As nannies and childcarers, fostering a supportive environment for these friendships to grow and flourish will have lasting positive effects on a child’s social and emotional development.

Remember, every child is unique, and so too is their journey with friendship. Patience, understanding, and a bit of guidance can make all the difference.

Gardening with Children: Fun Activities and Lifelong Benefits

Getting children involved in gardening is a great way to spark their curiosity, teach them about nature, and foster a sense of responsibility. Not only does gardening provide fun, engaging activities, but it also offers numerous benefits that can impact children’s development positively. Here are some fun garden activities and the benefits that come with them:

1. Planting Seeds and Growing Plants

Starting with something as small as a seed and nurturing it into a plant can be a magical process for children. This activity can teach them patience, as they wait for the seed to sprout, and responsibility, as they care for the plant by watering it regularly.

2. Creating a Vegetable Garden

Let children have their own patch in the vegetable garden. They can grow easy plants like radishes, beans, or cherry tomatoes. This activity not only gives them a sense of ownership but also can lead to discussions about healthy eating and the importance of fresh produce.

3. Making a Bug Hotel

Creating a bug hotel is a wonderful way for children to learn about the small creatures that contribute to our ecosystem. They can use materials found around the garden, such as leaves, sticks, and pinecones, to create a cozy space for insects.

4. Setting up a Bird Feeder

Setting up a bird feeder and regularly filling it with seeds can attract a variety of birds to your garden. Children can learn about different bird species while understanding the importance of caring for wildlife.

5. Creating Art with Nature

Leaves, petals, stones can all be used to create beautiful artwork. This activity encourages creativity and helps children appreciate the beauty of nature.

Benefits of Gardening with Children

  1. Educational: Gardening can introduce children to scientific concepts like photosynthesis, the lifecycle of plants, and the roles of different insects. It also provides practical examples of mathematical concepts like counting, measuring, and recognizing shapes.
  2. Health and Nutrition: Growing their own fruits and vegetables can make children more inclined to eat them. It also encourages a more active lifestyle, as gardening can be a form of exercise.
  3. Boosts Mental Well-being: Spending time in nature has been shown to reduce stress and improve mood in children. Gardening can also promote mindfulness, as children focus on tasks at hand.
  4. Develops Life Skills: Gardening requires patience, responsibility, and problem-solving. These skills are not only applicable in gardening but also valuable in other aspects of life.

Gardening with children can be a fun, rewarding experience. It not only provides a platform for learning and development but also offers opportunities to create precious memories. So, pull on those wellies, grab a trowel, and start exploring the garden with your little ones!