5 Indoor Rainy-Day Activities

With the wet weather firmly upon us, keep your young charges happy and engaged, even if you are stuck inside, with these fun indoor activities.

  1. Draw a Story – This fun activity is perfect for any weather, but what’s better than reading a book whilst listening to the rain pour down outside? Read a story to your child (for the most fun, choose a new story that your child hasn’t heard before). Here’s the important bit – don’t show your child any of the illustrations inside the book. At the end of each page, or after a particularly interesting section, ask your child to draw what they heard, creating their own interpretation. For extra creativity, they could try drawing in a comic book style!


  1. Expand an Image – Find a photo or picture (landscape’s work well for this!) and glue it to a blank piece of paper. Then, ask your child to expand the image.


  1. Make Sock Puppets – All you need are old (clean) socks, googly eyes and glue. Go wild, make your puppets funky and then put on a show! A perfect 2-in-1 activity to boost imagination and creativity.


  1. Make a Shadow Theatre – Turn off the lights, grab your torches and use your hands, dolls, bears and any other props you can think of to make a fun show the whole family can enjoy.


  1. Host an Indoor Picnic – Clear a space on the floor, lay out a picnic blanket, and enjoy an indoor picnic. Don’t forget to invite every doll and teddy bear you can find!

What are your favourite rainy-day activities?

One thought on “5 Indoor Rainy-Day Activities”

  1. Balloon bouncing, encourage children to toss the balloon in the air and stop it touching the floor. Count together and see how many times they can tap it before it comes down. Encourage them to keep it up using other parts of the body – head, elbows feet, etc.

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