Tips and Advice for First Time Live-In Nannies

The prospect of starting a new job is sometimes nerve-wracking. For those of you about to start your first job as a live-in nanny, it can be downright terrifying, as you must learn to work and live with the family hiring you.

That’s why we’ve put together our top tips to help you feel more comfortable and at ease when moving in with a new family:

1. Research the local area – If you’re moving to a new area for your job, it’s a good idea to get a feel for where everything is. The top 3 places you need to memorise are:

a. Nearest Hospital

b. Nearest GP (you’ll also need to register here if you’re too far from your old doctor)

c. Police Station

You might also want to find the local park, school (if you’ll oversee the school run), play centre, supermarket and coffee shop/café.

2. Mobile – It’s extremely rare, almost unheard of, these days for someone to be without a mobile phone, but it does happen. If you’re living in a new area, with people you don’t know, it’s important that you keep in contact with your friends and family from back home. Make sure that someone knows where you’re living and how to reach you in the event of an emergency. It’ll also be easier to manage expenses if the family you move in with asks you to cover the cost of any personal calls you make using the landline.

3. Lock your door at night – This isn’t always necessary and can often be phased out once you get to know the family that you’re staying with. However, some live-in nannies feel much more comfortable sleeping, with the knowledge that their bedroom door is locked at night.

Top Tip: If you don’t have a key/bolt to lock your door from the inside, buy a cheap doorstop and wedge this underneath.

 4. Emergency Funds – What happens if your job is suddenly cut short? What would happen if you didn’t have enough money to get back home? It’s essential that you always keep an emergency fund of cash/money in your bank so that you can get home in case of an emergency.

5. Stay Connected – Just because you don’t know anyone at first, doesn’t mean it will always be that way. Get talking to other carers when you take the children out, go out during your free time and meet new people or connect with other nannies online. Making new friends will help you feel more at home and can provide a friendly place to vent or relax after a difficult day.

Good luck in your new live-in nanny job. We hope you enjoy it! Remember to stay safe and follow our top tips.

What are your top tips or advice for first time, live-in nannies? Share them with us in the comments below or over on Twitter!

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