
Our recommended partners at www.PayrollForNannies.co.uk provide payroll advice for
parents and have created this content.
If you pay nanny for mileage during work hours the mileage rate as per HMRC is 45p.
Anything above 45p is taxable and must go through the payroll. As an employer you must
keep records of mileage that you have paid out, you must only pay for miles traveled.
Simple putting £15 for expenses for general travelling is not acceptable and would mean it is
By paying 45p a mile or more for getting nanny to and from work is a taxable, and would
need to be declared to HMRC.
Benefits in kind would arise when you let nanny have private use of your car, this benefit
would then need to be declared to HMRC annually by means of a P11d.
We would advise you to keep receipts from nanny that you have reimbursed her, for day
trips with the children and any shopping she has done.

NI Categories

Our recommended partners at www.PayrollForNannies.co.uk provide payroll advice for
parents and have created this content.
There are various categories for employment in the UK for national insurance deductions,
below are the categories denoted by a letter and what they represent
NI Categories for UK employment
A – All employees who do not fall into B, C, J, H, M and Z
B – Widows and married women entitled to pay reduced national insurance
C – Nanny’s over the state pensionable age so does not pay NI
J – Nanny’s who are already paying national insurance in their other job so can defer it
H – Apprentice under 25
M – Nanny under 21 Employer pays no NI
Z – Nanny’s who are already paying national insurance in their other job so can defer it and
are under 21 years of age
X – Nanny’s who are aged under 16

Court Orders

Our recommended partners at www.PayrollForNannies.co.uk provide payroll advice for
parents and have created this content.
Parents, you may during the course of nanny’s employment receive a Court order to make
deductions on her pay because of monies owed to a third party, this could be for unpaid
council tax, outstanding fines or from the child support agency.
As an employer it is then your responsibility to ensure that any such order is processed
correctly through nanny’s payslip and that the right deductions are made as per the order.
Any decent payroll provider will have the various different order types already installed on
their payroll software to ensure that the correct deductions are made.
Any payments to the relevant payee can either be made over the phone or via internet
banking and any instructions on how to make the payment are included with the order.
If you as an employer do not deduct the order from nanny’s wages you will be fined, it is
important to ensure that the correct deductions are made.

Things to consider when employing a non UK nanny

Our recommended partners at www.PayrollForNannies.co.uk provide payroll advice for
parents and have created this content.
It is important to make sure you take proper steps to make sure nanny can be employed
legally in the UK. If you do not you could face a £20,000 penalty or worst case scenario a 2
year prison sentence!
You must take a photocopy for identity check of a passport, birth certificate or national ID
card. We would always recommend you see an original version before taking a copy.
An EEA (European Economic Area), employers must check their right to work documents,
take a photocopy, and make sure they are from the EEA country.
For a more detailed guide:

Payment in Lieu of Notice (PILON)

Our recommended partners at www.PayrollForNannies.co.uk provide payroll advice for
parents and have created this content.
Payment in lieu of notice or (PILON) is when a nanny has been terminated from employment
and not required to work her notice.
In nanny’s contract you can stipulate that nanny’s employment can be terminated by PILON
immediately and payment in lieu of her basic salary will be paid for the notice period, then
you will not need to pay benefits and extra costs that accrue during her notice period.
If in the contract PILON does not specify the pay for this period or no mention to PILON in
the contract, then you as an employer will need to pay benefits and extra costs for this
Tax and national must be deducted from PILON.
In the case of gross misconduct, PILON is not normally paid to the nann