Keeping Your Nanny Happy in 2023: Beyond the Festive Cheers

As we navigate through 2023, with its unique challenges and the festive season just around the corner, it’s an ideal time to reflect on how to maintain a joyful and productive relationship with your nanny. While grand gestures have their place, the true art of appreciation lies in the everyday acts of kindness and respect

As we navigate through 2023, with its unique challenges and the festive season just around the corner, it’s an ideal time to reflect on how to maintain a joyful and productive relationship with your nanny. While grand gestures have their place, the true art of appreciation lies in the everyday acts of kindness and respect.

Understanding RESPECT in the Nanny-Parent Relationship:

The acronym RESPECT stands for Rights, Earnings, Space, Professionalism, Expenses, Choices, and Time. These elements are foundational to a healthy working relationship. Particularly, being mindful of your nanny’s time – respecting their finish time is respecting their personal life. If you’re often late, consider adjusting and compensating for their extended hours.

Small Gestures, Big Impact:

  1. Flexibility and Understanding: Life happens – a delayed train or a slow morning can affect anyone. Show understanding for the occasional late start and balance this with letting your nanny leave early now and then.
  2. Personal Perks: Simple acts like offering a takeaway during babysitting nights, or access to your Netflix account can go a long way. If they love cooking, why not leave some cash for them to buy special ingredients?
  3. Fair Sick Pay: Remember, nannies are just as prone to illness as anyone. Fair sick pay ensures they don’t suffer financially for something out of their control, especially if it’s a bug caught from the children.
  4. Access to Household Amenities: If your nanny is a baking enthusiast and you have a top-notch mixer, let them use it. Similarly, if their washing machine breaks, offering yours is a gesture of goodwill.
  5. Invitations to Family Events: Whether for work (with overtime pay) or as a guest, inviting your nanny to significant family events shows that you value them as part of your extended family.
  6. Thoughtful Gifts and Recognition: On their birthday or during festive seasons, a thoughtful gift or a voucher from their favorite store can be deeply appreciated. Remember, personalized appreciation often holds more value than extravagant gifts.
  7. Annual Reviews and Rewards: A yearly review of their performance is a good practice. If a pay raise isn’t feasible, consider other forms of appreciation, like extra holiday time or a heartfelt acknowledgment of their hard work.
  8. Recommendations and Referrals: If your nanny is open to extra babysitting, recommending them to your friends can be a great help. And if not, guide your friends to reliable babysitting resources.
  9. Daily Gratitude: Never underestimate the power of a simple ‘thank you.’ It’s a daily reminder that their efforts are seen and valued.


In 2023, the key to a successful nanny-parent relationship lies in consistent, respectful, and empathetic interactions. Small, thoughtful actions can make a big difference in fostering a positive and mutually rewarding relationship.

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