How To Keep Your Nanny Long-Term

Do you dream of finding a nanny who will stay with your family for years to come, helping to raise all of your children?

We’ve put together our top tips to help you encourage your nanny to stay with your family long-term.

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Tips to Help Toddlers Sleep Through the Night

Are you struggling with a toddler who won’t sleep through the night? Sleeping can be hard for parents, and live-in nannies too, if you have a toddler who keeps waking up in the middle of the night.

If it occurs regularly, this pattern can leave everyone feeling drained and unhappy. That’s why we’ve put together some advice to help you, help your toddler sleep through the night, every night.

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How to Spot Potential Problems with Your New Nanny

Hiring a new nanny for your children can be a stressful experience. Whether you’re hiring a replacement or hiring your first nanny, this can be a trying time for you and your children as you go through numerous interviews to find the perfect nanny for your family.

During interviews and the initial induction period, it’s important to be on the lookout for any red-flags about your new nanny and their behaviour to avoid a constant stream of new nannies in your children’s lives.

That’s why we’ve put together this guide to help you spot any negative traits when looking for a new nanny.

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What Should You Watch Out for in Nanny Job Listings?


When looking for your next nanny job, it’s important to thoroughly read through the nanny job listing and to be on the lookout for any warning signs that could spell trouble in the future.

The first step is to remember that not everyone knows exactly what a nanny is or what duties fall under the job title. First-time parents, especially can be slightly confused about what they can and can’t ask a nanny to do and so it’s important that you take the time to read through each listing and note down any questions that need clarifying by the employer during the interview or before-hand over the phone.

Top Tip: If possible, try to contact the employer over the phone as this will give you a better feel for who they are and what they want than communicating via email. It’s also a great way to make yourself stand out from the competition as they’ll be able to start getting to know you before you even set foot in the interview.

To help you identify the good listings from the bad, we’ve made a list of the most important red-flags that you should lookout for in a nanny job listing and interview.

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