Tablets for tots

You’ll have noticed that THE present for children this year was…. a tablet.

From LeapFrog’s LeapPad and VTech’s Innotab  to Asus’ Nexus 7 and Apple’s iPad mini, tablets are everywhere, loaded with educational apps and games to keep children amused. So what are the pros and cons of tablets for tots?

+1 They’re ultra portable

Books, DVDs, CDs, card games, pens and paper. Leave them all at home, there’s an app that will so it for you. You can also access media content legally for much less than the book or DVD would cost and easily pop on something for you too.

+1 They’re intuitive

Even children as young as 1 can get their heads around touch screen technology. Unlike traditional PC based educational games tablet apps are easy to get to grips with.

+ They promote hand eye coordination and fine motor skills, literacy and mathematical ability

Children have to learn to control their hands and fingers to use a tablet, and some games encourage matching, sorting and counting skills,  shape, number and letter recognition, and phonics, as well as making a variety of e-books easily accessible.

+ They grow and evolve with the child

Leapfrog and Vtech etc aside adults can get as much use out of tablets as children and teens. The sheer number of apps is staggering and a new tablet now should, barring breakages, provide entertainment for years that can vary according the child’s tastes.

-1 They stifle the imagination

There are some good, creative drawing and music apps out there but it’s no substitute for the opportunities real art materials or musical instruments give you. There’s also no scope to put a lion on Old MacDonald’s farm or adapt what the wheels on the bus do if you’re just listening to a recorded version.

-1 They’re fragile

Most tablets aren’t hugely robust, even when they come encased in rubber, and older children will probably want a 7-inch adult tablet anyway. Young children can’t appreciate that their new toy is a complex electronic device to be treated with care and even with the best will in the world a older child may accidentally drop it.

-1 They’re sedentary activities

You don’t move much when you’re using a tablet and it’s certainly no substitute for running around outside. Repetitive use of one hand could also lead to RSI, especially as the way children use touch screen technology when they’re young will set them up for how they use it in later life and it’s not going away.

-1 Children can access the Internet unsupervised or run up a bill buying apps

Most tablets aimed at the children’s market incorporate parental control but if you accidentally leave that off and your iTunes or Android marketplace account logged it’s scarily easy and fast for a child to run up a bill. Most free apps include a quick link to the full version and an imprudent tap or two could be pricy.

-1 They’re addictive

You know those adults who always have some kind of electronic device in their hand? Chances are they’re addicted. The brain quickly becomes dependent on the instant gratification a smartphone can provide and this can also less to problems with concentration later on. Children are especially vulnerable because their brains are still very plastic, which means new habits can form easily.
Our verdict:

Handle with care, both literally and figuratively! While they might keep children occupied for hours, you should also make time for activities away from the tablet, even if you’re essentially doing the same thing. If you’re a childcarer make sure to communicate with the parents about appropriate usage and stick to their rules.  Consider limiting use to specific locations or certain times of day to ensure that it isn’t overused and always double check the content and parental controls on a standard tablet. Finally, remember an interactive tablet is no substitute for an interactive adult!

Keeping up with the Thymes

Nannyjob is delighted to introduce our new parent blogger -Mrs Thyme – who will be blogging about the ups and downs of employing a nanny and family life.

© Kuvona |

Let me start by saying I’ve never actually blogged before. I love and loathe in equal parts the various Mummy blogs that pop up periodically on my Twitter feed – love them because I’m a proper nosy parker, secretly loathe them because they are filled with the kind of perfection I aspire to. So bear with me while I work this out and here goes!


The logical place to start seems to be introducing our family, a cosy little group of 3 – Suzannah (that’s me), Edward and Oliver (18 months) – plus 1 –   Ellie, our nanny who has been with us for almost exactly a year. We all work full time, Ol probably hardest of all playing and growing, and are probably all having trouble adjusting after time off over Christmas.


It’s times like this, after the holidays, where I feel enormously grateful for having a nanny. Colleagues who drop their children at a child-minder or nursery don’t have the luxury of coming home to a tidy house and an empty laundry basket. I don’t know how she does it but Ellie by herself with Ol is more productive than Ed and I put together tag teaming toddler demands and miscellaneous household tasks like putting a wash on and hanging it out to dry. Add cooking 2 nutritious meals, and fitting in a class or run around at the park and some kind of art, craft or baking. I’m exhausted thinking about it.


I’ve tried to see how it’s done when working from home, but I know nannies hate that (parents working from home, not domestic espionage) because you disrupt their routine, no matter how hard you try to limit your caffeine and biscuit consumption so you don’t need to go to the kitchen. Children’s bat like hearing can pick your voice up from the other end of the house if you’re on the phone to a colleague or a client and you can forget about going to the loo. I laugh at people who say working at home is wonderfully relaxing. They either have school-aged children, or better yet no children at all, and sit productively at their computer simultaneously dyeing their hair and waiting for their toenails to dry. I tried it once but the increasingly loud sighs and increasingly lengthy tantrums every time I popped back to the bathroom to complete the next stage of my beautification put me off.


A couple of days after the announcement that I’ll be working from home I’ll be treated to an anecdote from Ellie about something a work-from-home boss of a nanny friend of hers has done. It’s a subtle, yet effective, way of letting me know that I shouldn’t even think about committing that particular sin, although some of them are rather funny like the MumBoss who didn’t get dressed until 10am and took very serious conference calls wearing slinky PJs. I thought in the beginning Ellie would be glad to shorten her day by the 3 hours that cover my commute (yes, 3 hours, the District line can be a little challenging) – fully paid of course – and have the opportunity to have a real lunch-break, maybe even schedule a hair appointment because I don’t mind being flexible, but it seems that isn’t the case, so I rarely do. I will commit the sin from time to time just to save myself the commute and prove that I can be productive whilst working from home, building up credit for those vaccinations, birthdays and, way into the future, first days at nursery or school and nativity plays or end of term shows. In a way I understand, it takes a brave person to sing, dance and discipline a toddler under the watchful eye of another adult, and I would hate my own boss breathing down my neck all the time.


So today I’m at work, and basking in the knowledge that when I arrive home we’ll have lasagna for dinner tonight and Ol’s washing will be underway and there may even be cake. If I did all that I’d expect Ed to bring me flowers, so I’ll just pencil in a stop on the way home to pick something up for Ellie even though she does it every day and I can’t thank her enough.




Nannies: what you need for 2013

Last year we posted what you needed for 2012 and we thought we’d revisit the topic again for 2013.

Instead of focusing on skills which will enhance your CV this time we’re going to take a look at some other qualities and areas of knowledge. In a competitive market it’s vital to be able to walk the walk as well as talk the talk so here are some things to think about.

1. Organisation

This goes for both jobseekers and nannies in work. Make sure you start with organising yourself – are all your qualifications and certificates up to date? Don’t wait until the month before your First Aid certificate expires to book a course! Get into the habit of keeping a diary where you can note important dates in advance as well as keeping on top of your day to day schedule. Employers are increasingly reliant on nannies to keep things ticking over so make sure you’re on top of important events for your charges and be proactive in getting things ready the night before for the following day or adding household essentials to the shopping list.

2. Thrift

Speaking of shopping lists we can’t ignore the fact that most of us are still in belt-tightening mode. A thrifty nanny makes use of free activities both at home and out and about. Walk instead of using the car, keep on top of whats in the fridge so you don’t waste food (try BBC Food for a nifty ingredients tool) and embrace the joys of junk modelling and other free crafts. Engage the children as well by setting a no-spend day each week. This will help them to appreciate activities which cost money even more. For those with older charges get them involved in budgeting, especially for holiday activities.

3. Nutrition

There’s been a big focus in recent years around child nutrition and establishing good habits for children early on. A basic knowledge of nutrition is a must for all nannies, as are basic cooking skills (although you’d be amazed how much can be eaten raw and how good it is for you). Gone are the days of Nanny’s Nursery Puds – the modern nanny is an expert on toddler friendly salad and ways to prefer with oily fish. If you don’t know your vitamins from your minerals in the kitchen consider going on a Nutrition for Nannies course.

4. The gift of the gab

Another focus area in the Early Years is on communication. Children need to have the opportunity to hear a wide range of words and phrases in context and the opportunity to interact with adults to try out their own developing skills. Providing a wide variety of activities is one way to do this but you must make sure you’re talking and describing reerything that you’re doing or seeing, remembering to leave time for the children to get a word in edgeways too! If you have a pre-verbal charge talking is still important because children are building up their understanding grammar and vocabulary right from the start, well before they have enough control over their throat and mouth to form words. You could even incorporate a few basic baby signs to encourage then to ‘talk back’ to you. Always remember to talk and sign, though, because baby sign is an aid to communication, not a complete method (unlike BSL or ASL).

5. Political awareness

It probably hasn’t escaped your notice that childcare has been hitting the headlines over the last few months. There are big changes coming for the sector and they may affect nannies. It’s well worth your while keeping up with these developments and assessing what impact they will have on you.

We would like to wish you a happy and successful 2013! Be sure to check back here regularly for updates and comment to let us know your thoughts.

A Career As A Nanny, Is It For You?

What is a nanny?

A nanny is a professional childcare provider.  A nanny works in a similar way to a childminder, with the difference that she will work in the client’s home rather than in her own home.

What does a nanny do?

Many people are under the assumption that being a nanny is easy.  They think that it’s simply a case of playing with somebody else’s children all day. Well, there is playing involved, but there’s a lot more to it than that.

A nanny will usually work long hours, and will spend the majority of her time ferrying children around to various activities, doing the school run, preparing meals and tidying up after the children. As a nanny, you will earn a reasonably good wage but you will not usually get very much time off.

Being a nanny is hard graft.  You will need to have excellent interpersonal skills and a high level of patience.  As well as looking after the children, you will likely be responsible for some housekeeping too – the level of which should be negotiated when drawing up your contract.

However, the rewards are not just monetary.  Being a nanny can be an incredibly enjoyable and rewarding job for somebody who loves taking care of children.  It is a very important job – the children you care for will remember you for the rest of their lives.  You will be the person who is mostly responsible for their day-to-day care, therefore the bond you will forge with them will be strong.


Why a nanny?

All kinds of families hire nannies, but the majority of families that do are busy, full-time working parents.  They choose nannies because they are the most convenient solution to their childcare needs. They often start work early and finish late, so they need a childcare provider who will either be on-site (most nannies are live-in nannies) or who will come to the house to work.  They haven’t got the time to be dropping off and picking up their children from nursery or from a childminders home.

Additionally, many parents prefer to use a nanny because it can be beneficial emotionally for the children.  It is vitally important that children are able to form strong attachments with their carers in their early years.  A nanny often becomes like a much-loved relative, or even a third parent.  This kind of bond is very important and this may well be the parents’ motivation for choosing a nanny.

What qualifications do I need to be a nanny?

Although you do not technically need any qualifications to be a nanny, employers will be looking for proof of your skills.  The N.N.E.B Diploma is widely recognised and, up until recently, was considered to be the only nanny qualification that was necessary.  Now, there are many courses you can attend to gain skills, but an N.N.E.B Diploma is what employers will be looking for.

However, many experienced and brilliant nannies will have no formal qualifications. They will have excellent references, though, and many years of experience under their belts.

You will also need to provide an enhanced disclosure to be able to work as a nanny in the UK, and at least a basic first aid certificate.

Please note – for the purpose of this article I have referred to nannies as female. However, there are male nannies out there, but they are not as common as female nannies.